Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Put in Your B.I.D.

A better quality of life through:
Cleaner streets.
A safer and more vibrant hub of activity.
A greater sense of pride in your community.
Graffiti removal.
Safety patrols.

Augusta will experience all this and MORE with the Business Improvement District. Affectionately known as B.I.D..

Downtown revitalization advocates from cities such as Columbus, Columbia, Knoxville, Charlotte and Atlanta already get it. They understood the impact of a B.I.D. and are currently realizing their city's potential. There are more than 1,500 cities across the country that have Business Improvement Districts and are enjoying the tremendous impact of private sector creativity toward persistent public problems.

The strength of the B.I.D. is that revenue generated from the B.I.D. would enhance current services and not replace them. Estimated revenue to be generated for Augusta's B.I.D. is $349,000. This is based on participation of stake holders of the nearly $131,000,000 in commercial property in the defined district. What's great about this is - those that pay the assessment through a petition will govern the funds. Money will be managed by and flow through a non-profit organization established by the stakeholders.

This is a definite WIN-WIN for our community and long over due. Get involved - be informed and help make Augusta's B.I.D. a shining example of Public/Private partnerships.

You can learn more about the Business Improvement District and how to get involved by contacting the Downtown Development Authority.